The proposal has been made by the Lekeitio Palestinian Elkartasuna Group, which has been in operation since October 2023, and has subsequently been disseminated to different agents of the locality, as well as to individuals. Thus, some thirty social, cultural, trade union and political actors, as well as members of the world of sport and education, will make one-hour shifts to complete a 10-hour mobilization. On 28 December, the concentration at the College will start at 10:00 and end at 20:00. It is an open invitation to all citizens to participate in the event.
Through this initiative, the promoters intend to organize an "active and internationalist support" from the Basque Country. They also want to denounce the Palestinian project and the surrounding countries "to build a colonial and imperialist state called Greater Israel". The systematic attacks on Lebanon, Iraq, Iran or Yemen, as well as the military intervention against Syria, have been placed in that context, because behind, besides Zionism, there are "direct interests of capitalist imperialism".
The European Union and the Spanish and French States "oppressing the Basque Country" have stressed that they "have complied" with the orders of the United States and NATO. In this regard, they have pointed out that the Spanish Government "washes its hands with a few nice words", but maintains "any political and economic agreement" with Zionism. In the same vein, they pointed out that the French Government "continues to harass solidarity or collective mobilizations for the Palestinian cause". As for Euskal Herria, they have denounced that public institutions have not broken relations with Zionism and continue to collaborate with them, including companies such as CAF.
Faced with this harsh situation, the Palestinians have recognised their right to self-defence and expressed their support for the Palestinian Resistance at a press conference on 15 December. Specific requests are thus as follows: Stop immediately the Israeli offensive and genocide, free Palestinian political prisoners, allow Palestinian political refugees to return to their homeland, promote the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against companies and institutions collaborating with the Palestinian occupation and the disintegration of the Zionist entity.
Okzitaniako Tolosako elkartea da aipatu kolektiboa eta Frantziako Gobernuak dekretuz desegin zuen 2022an. Orain Estatu Kontseilua gobernuaren erabakia egokia dela berretsi du.