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Makea will be a meeting point to raise funds for Palestine and its prisoners on 16 November

  • Under the motto 'Free Palestine', several citizens of Ipar Euskal Herria have organized a 24-hour programme. The money raised will be spent entirely on the Addammer Association, which is working with the Palestinian political prisoners in the fight against freedom. They have made an appeal to come to it from the press conference held this Saturday.

Ipar Euskal Herriko Palestinaren aldeko kolektiboen sarearen prentsaurrekoa, urriaren 12an Makean Iparraldea Palestinarekin

14 October 2024 - 09:54
Last updated: 11:12

They wanted to bring to Makea (Lapurdi) those who live in the first person the Palestinian conflict, to gather from the mouths of those who live in the first person the history and day to day of the Palestinians. In addition to the Palestinians, there will also be a group of anti-Zionist Jews, organized for the Palestinian cause. Different talks and workshops, on November 16, in Makea. "That the information transmitted be carried out by those who live in the first person this situation [colonization of Palestine and genocide of the Palestinians]: body information based on the experiences and the struggle, to be transmitted without intermediaries", is one of the objectives of the citizens who organize the initiative. In this way, throughout the day there will be a point of information about the structures that work for Palestine both in the Basque Country and in the French State.

In the morning, and after choosing the motto Ibetik itsasora palestine libre, three rapporteurs will talk about this well-known phrase: Palestinian exile Mays Qaisi, Palestinian activist Omar Alsoumi, founder of the Urgence Palestine movement and member of the anti-Zionist collective UJFP Jewish Union for French Peace Géraldine Hornberg. On the Israeli strategy of destroying Palestinian cultivation, the armaments of the Zionist State, the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli pinkwashing policy, various issues will also be addressed through workshops, always with Palestinian activists and in a more intimate format, with the aim of facilitating exchanges of ideas.

All the money to Palestine

In addition to the reflection, there will also be a party in Makea, as several music groups will play at night: Xiberoots, Mäirü, Spartak Demencial and Atzarbale from Euskal Herria, as well as, from the Palestinian diaspora, the group Ramzi Aburedwan & L’Ensemble Dal’Ouna and the Palestinian rap-folk singer El far3i, settled in England, with 47 soul.

The aim of the organizers is to collect as much as possible and send it directly to Palestine, where it is planned. In this way, the money raised will be sent to the Addameer Association, which operates in the West Bank and Gaza, on 16 November. This association is supporting political prisoners, who, in addition to sustaining them legally, document and disseminate internationally violations of their rights.

At the press conference held on 12 November in Makea, they have in one way or another thanked all those who have collaborated in the organization of the event: farmers who have paid their profits, music groups from Euskal Herria, graffiti artist, creator of Ibil Bilik who is guaranteeing dinner, and who are going to leave their homes to host speakers and artists. "All those who have brought their help to us from solidarity and from a financial point of view, we will be able to devote more aid to Palestine," they said. If you want to collaborate on November 16 you can write to

This is the first joint initiative of groups in favour of Palestine to be held in Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa. The Zuberoa group, which has been spreading its boycott message against Israel since 2012, has organised other events autonomously since 7 October last year.

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