The Association of Fathers and Mothers and Ikastolas has organized for this course the two activities to be carried out in November, as "the massacre does not stop". The aim is, above all, to denounce the situation of children and adolescents in the area.
The movement was born last year with the objective of increasing the strength of the fathers and mothers of the Basque Country to stop the genocide. To claim that their children “are also our children.”
The group consists of several associations of mothers and fathers of Euskal Herria, ikastolas, unions and the Confederation of Fathers and Mothers of Students of Euskal Herria (EHIGE).
The educational centers of Euskal Herria will launch several "excited" initiatives for what is happening in Palestine.
On November 20, the International Day of Childhood will be held at the Arriaga Theatre. In the entrances to the schools, it is proposed to place a Palestinian flag with black crespon and two pairs of shoes of international recognition.
To participate, the images of each centre must be sent to the Eragil email: These images will also be disseminated on the social networks of Zion Umeak.
The second, which will run from 30 November to 31 January, will last approximately 30 minutes. Primary and secondary school pupils may write messages expressing their solidarity with Palestinian children.
As announced by the organizers, children and adolescents, individually or in groups, will be able to write letters of all kinds, both in class and in casa.Dibujos, verses, poems, songs, etc. “Everything is useful,” they explained.
Groups are also our boys and girls. On the one hand, through the English association Letters for Palestinian Childhoods, which brings together messages of solidarity worldwide, and on the other, through the Mundubat Foundation.
In case anyone wants to send photos of the messages or jobs generated, they can send them to Adding to each work the name of the author or centre and the locality.
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