The UK Interior Minister, Suella Braveman, orders the police to reduce the Palestinian flag as a “criminal insult.” In a statement addressed to police chiefs, Braveman stresses “the importance of context”: “Legitimate conduct in certain circumstances, such as the display of a Palestinian flag, may not be when it comes to the glorification of terrorist acts.”
He also points out that this action can be understood as “an expression of the strong desire to see Israel erased from the world.” The Minister of the Interior asks security members to apply “the same criterion” in the presence of svastics in demonstrations against Israel.
This request has been directly criticized by Shami Chakrabarti, a member of the Lord’s Chamber and an expert in human rights: “Police chiefs know their powers and responsibilities and the politicization of their work in these difficult times does not guarantee the security of vulnerable communities.”
At the request of Braverman there are many citizens who have been critical and some have made representations to the Israeli embassy, with Palestinian flags in hand. Faced with this situation, the interior minister has expressed his “concern”.
A demonstrator replaces the flag
The Sheffield Council, under the orders of the British Government, places the flag of Israel after bombing Gaza. However, a demonstrator climbs the city hall building and replaces the Palestinian flag when people applauded. Then he manages to escape. In this situation, Braverman asks the police to use “the full force of the law.”
Israeli citizenship and its followers have also demonstrated on Downing Street. UK Prime Minister Rishi Suna attended a synagogue on the same day to cover Israel. Sunak stressed that Hamas is a “forbidden terrorist organization” and that “no one should protect it, those who do it will ensure that they respond to the law.” Police have added that it has a "very clear" guide and government advice to "act against any illegal action".
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