Eternal convictions
The Steilas union has denounced that in most of the educational centers in Navarra the PAI was imposed and now it is intended to prevent the exit. Steilas demands that the decision and autonomy of the centers be respected: “For the Government of Navarre, the PAI is a lifelong jail sentence: they get you to never leave.”
The Department of Education argues that upon departure from the programme the centre does not plan what the staffing table will be in the output plan submitted. In addition, the Department says that action has been taken against the rule: “The centre must ensure the continuity of the programmes it has put in place.”
A controversial agenda
On the pretext of boosting English, some have considered that the foral right-driven program was intended to impede the expansion of Model D. The educational agents have denounced that the subject is based on teaching in English and that it lacks a pedagogical basis, as well as the lack of teacher training to teach other subjects in English. We've seen managers, parents, unions and teachers denouncing the program.
Ingelesez Ikasteko Programaren (IIP-PAI) “iruzurra agerian uzteko” eta “bertatik irteteko bideak aztertzeko” jardunaldiak antolatu dituzte Iruñean. Gaur egun, Nafarroako 100 ikastetxe baino gehiagotan oraindik derrigorrezkoa da programa polemiko... [+]
Ingelesez ikasteko programa ezarri duten lehen ikastetxetako ikasleekin ebaluatu dute programa bera. Ikastetxe horiek "ikasle aniztasun" txikia dutela nabarmendu du Roberto Perezek eta horrek ebaluazio-txostenean eragina izan duela dio.
Kanpo-azterketa berriak, aldaketak ikasgaietan, ingelesezko ordu gehiago, ebaluaketa irakasleei, mugimenduak goi-karguetan… Bero dator ikasturtea Hego Euskal Herrian, LOMCE, Heziberri, Ingelesez Ikasteko Programa edota D ereduaren zabalkuntza tarteko.