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The first school in Navarre that has left the PAI arouses the indignation of Navarre Suma

  • During these years, the English Learning Program PAI or PDI, launched by UPN, has received criticism from many educational agents. The Dos De Mayo Centre in Castejón has been the first to abandon the programme and to implement model D in the Ribera Baja, according to Steilas. Navarre Suma strongly criticized the decision.

27 January 2020 - 07:10
Yolanda Barcina eta José Iribas, programaren bultzatzaileetako bi.

On the pretext of boosting English, some have considered that the foral right-driven program was intended to impede the expansion of Model D. The educational agents have denounced that the subject is based on teaching in English and that it lacks a pedagogical basis, as well as the lack of teacher training to teach other subjects in English. We've seen managers, parents, unions and teachers denouncing the program.

In the previous legislature, the Minister of Education, José Luis Mendoza, announced that the “imposition of the PAI program” was over and that it would be the decision of each center if it continued to offer it or not.

Now that the College of Castejón has chosen to leave the program, Navarra Suma has been very angry. The political party says that it has been a unilateral decision taken by the centre without regard to its parents. “This is because the law allows it, a law that responds to a sectarian policy and persecution against the PAI, imposed by Basque nationalism in the last legislature.”

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Jose Luis Mendoza
“PAI programa ezartzea edo ez ikastetxeen erabakia izanen da”

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José Luis Mendoza
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English Learning Program in Navarra
The Most Round Goal by UPN
The hook has been sweet, “your child will learn English perfectly.” However, the English Learning Program (PDI) has been criticized on the right and left by numerous educational actors, such as teachers, managers, parents and unions. The new government has to decide how the... [+]

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