You'll see it in high areas, less in the holes of the streams, provided it's not from those sweet holes. At the bottom of the streams ice is collected and accumulated and its impact can be severe, especially because late spring ice can burn the regeneration and flowering of the leaves. The beech, in case, prolongs the day and waits for the earth to warm up; they are a sign that spring advances and revitalizes when it feels safe, sprouts, branches, leaves and flowers. Local revitalization will change today, in twenty days or fifteen days ago. And every single place will decide when to recover it. In a group of beech trees that live their whole lives in an environment you will notice it perfectly: from the acceleration of the first to the last can last two or three weeks. Every beech takes its life peacefully, peacefully, attentive and responsible.
The seasonal beech presents a great cardinal or puzzle. You need a good disposition to carry and care for your accounting. Take, as a way of listening, the centenary beech. The Dutch have been able to measure the characteristics and work of this century-old beech raised under average normal conditions; the nursery Van den Berk in the blinds of its nurseries, published in the 2008-2009 tree guide. It shall be 20 m long height without significant risk of botching and 12 m wide. The waist will have a perimeter of about 60-80 centimeters. It has 600,000 leaves. Yes, a machine to generate 600,000 food, it also needs! If all these leaves were together they would cover a plot of 1,200 square meters. To live, every day it takes 18 kilos of CO2 to build sugars that will feed on the media of light and photosynthesis on its leaves. Without water, I could never complete this generation, transporting the necessary food, participating in growth and providing the necessary temperature to live. How much water does it take every day? Well, 400 liters; 400 liters yes: look, bring it down the roots, the trunk and the ramals and pump up to 20 meters beyond the underground. For him he generates 12 kilos of sugar, which will be the fuel to live. As a gift, it will also release the oxygen needed to live ten people. To replace their work, they would need 2,000 young beech trees. At that time it was worth EUR 150,000.
The beech that is now in sight will soon be a great instrument that will stop it. Until autumn, when the leaves are transformed, they are removed and in winter they are murdered, sleeping at rest. Until the next garment.
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