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AVT Denounces Paul Hasel's Lawyer for "Spreading Terrorism"

  • The Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) denounced at a 2019 conference Bozhidara Alejandra Matamoros, lawyer of Pablo Hashim, for “the exaltation of terrorism”. The association has also criticised the statements it has made in recent weeks about police action.

The Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) presented its complaint at the National Hearing for its statements at an event organized by the Movement Against Repression in Madrid in May 2019. According to the association, the state of repression was denounced at the anniversary of the movement and the lawyer made several reflections on ETA.

According to the AVT, Matamoros stated at a conference on the repression of State security forces: “In the case of Euskal Herria, they had to fight with the only means that they had and that they left, with the weapons; they fought for the right to self-determination.” According to the association, the intervention was used to "significantly justify the terrorism of the organization for decades". He has also stated that the use of the word " member " can only be understood as a friendship.

In addition, members of the association have criticized the fact that the lawyer has denounced in recent weeks the torture committed by the state security forces by the arrest of the Catalan singer Pablo Hasel. In this sense, they have pointed out that making these statements means "encouraging the follow-up of violent events".

Second complaint against Hasel's lawyer

Last Tuesday, the Unified Police Union (sup) filed a complaint against Matamoros for an alleged crime of murder. The union has pointed out that the lawyer's statements in the media can be crimes of insults and libel and believes that "we are dealing with a general and free libel".

Following the complaint lodged by the SUP, the Bar Association of Madrid decided on Wednesday to open a deontological file against the lawyer in the court. The institution considers that these manifestations are inadequate for a legal professional as a whole.

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