The Polish prosecutor’s office accuses him of working for Russia’s secret services, but Gonzalo Boy’s lawyer says that his prison has been extended for lack of evidence against him. In statements made in Radio Euskadi denounces that he has not yet been able to speak to his client.
On 19 August, the Polish prosecution requested that González prison be extended on the grounds that he could hide or escape. This is the second time that the Hearing extends his prison, as the journalist was arrested during the communication of the Ukrainian refugee crisis and sentenced to three months ' imprisonment, extended for another three months at the end of May. They can be punished with a penalty of ten years in prison for the crime they are accused of.
To learn more about the topic: Perfect storm, report by Lander Arbelaitz.
Osasun artak biltzen ari da Pablo Gonzalez Moskun une honetan. Joan den astean, Poloniako Radomgo segurtasun handiko espetxetik atera zen kazetaria bi urte eta bost hilabeteko preso egon ondoan. Poloniak leporatzen zion espioitza frogatu gabe libre atera da.