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Otxandio School has been awarded the Auzmendi Education Scholarship for its project to approach the community

  • The first edition of the Joxe Mari Auzmendi Education Scholarship will be taught by the Otxandio school. Representatives of the City Hall and the Hik Hasi project have made known the jury’s decision in Hernani.

25 November 2021 - 16:26
Last updated: 17:45
(Argazkia: Hernaniko Udala)

Otxandio School Joxe Mari Auzmendi has been awarded the Otxandio Primary Education Scholarship for its proposal to work the integration of nature in Early Childhood Education through pedagogical innovation and outreach to the community. The pedagogical project Hik Hasi and the City Hall of Hernani have organized the first call and this Thursday they have announced the jury’s ruling in the plenary hall of the city council.

They have argued that the proposal represents a "qualitative leap" to award the prize of 12,000 euros to Otxandi school, and have highlighted the values of student interests, linguistic empowerment, sustainability, diversity...

In June 2021, it was announced that the scholarship was launched to highlight the pedagogical lines developed by Joxe Mari Auzmendi in his career, who died in February last year. In total, ten projects have been submitted, some of them from all over Euskal Herria and others of a local nature. The jury, in addition to the award, has given a special mention to the exhibition "Playing Reflecting" presented by the association of philosophical practice Jakin-min. Children's philosophy proposal."

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