From that date on, therefore, in Hego Euskal Herria it will not be mandatory to wear masks, but in health buildings, health centers, hospitals or socio-sanitary centers, such as optical, pharmacies or dental clinics.
In recent weeks, the Government of Spain has received numerous pressures to eliminate this ban on transport, and the authorities were convinced that it would soon be adopted. In addition, the effectiveness of the measure has also been very much questioned in recent times, especially as more and more citizens have refused to wear the mask or are mispositioned.
The ban on pharmacies may be lifted in the coming weeks, but, as Minister Darias said on Thursday, “we are going slowly”. A year ago, the obligation to wear the mask abroad was lifted on 10 February, and two months later, on 20 April, the obligation to wear it inside was abolished.
COVID-19 kasuek gora egin dute Europan eta 60 eta 79 urte artekoei eta gaitza larri pasatzeko arrisku handiagoa dutenei txertoaren laugarren dosia “berehala” jartzea gomendatu dute Sendagaien Europako Agentziak (EMA) eta Gaixotasunen Prebentziorako eta Kontrolerako... [+]