Fourteen years have passed since the NAC platform took to the streets to call for the end of the cinegetic activity. But this year, moreover, hunters will demand that the dogs they use be included in the State Animal Welfare Act, because, according to their members, the ultimate decision to exclude these animals “leaves them in a situation of absolute helplessness”. The mobilizations were convened in Donostia (starting from Plaza Gipuzkoa), Bilbao (from Plaza Moyua), Pamplona (from Plaza del Castillo) and 43 other cities, at 12:00. A further 26 countries joined the call.
The platform denounces that, at the end of the hunting season, hunting dogs are abandoned, abandoned, slaughtered or kept in “terrifying situations”. It has therefore underlined the need to require a state law protecting these animals, “in order to protect all animals”, including declared hunting dogs, wild animals and hunting species.
The platform has added the need for “social pressure” on political parties to evolve and create new laws in line with the wishes and needs of today’s society. Because laws have to be protected “without exception”, they say: “Institutions should take into account the situation affecting biodiversity and protect birds and mammals from hunting activity.”
Kondenatuak Tutera eta Cintruenigoko bi ehiza barrutietako presidenteak eta basozain bat dira. Ehiztariei ehizaki kopurua murrizten dietelako hil zituzten harrapariak.
Gipuzkoako Ehiztarien Federazioak grebara deitu ditu ehiztariak, Gipuzkoako Aldundiari presio egin asmoz. Ehiztarien argudioak, baina, iruzurra direla salatu du Naturkon talde ekologistak eta datuak eman ditu: hamar urtetan 1.768.567 euroz lagundu du Aldundiak Federazioa.