Thursday begins and the Saturday ends the new edition of the Itinerant School organized by Ikasle Abertzaleak. “We want it to be a space for reflection and political formation,” they explain. They also stress that they have organised “leisure activities”.
The march will begin in Eskoriatza (Gipuzkoa), on the second day they will head to Aretxabaleta and end in Aramaio (Araba). In addition to the tour, they have organized workshops, overnight stays, conferences, concerts and other activities.
Previous editions
It was carried out in 2021 in Azpeitia (Gipuzkoa). Edition 2022 in Tolosaldea (Gipuzkoa), crossing Villabona and Anoeta.
Eskola ibiltariak egongo dira uztailaren 23a eta 26a bitartean.
Askotariko hitzaldi, tailer eta kontzertuak eskainiko dituzte uztailaren 25etik 28ra egingo duten martxan. Jakinarazi dutenez, aforo mugatua duten ekitaldietan bonoa dutenek izango dute lehentasuna. Euskal Herriko hainbat txokotan jarri dituzte salgai.
Uztailaren 25etik 28ra, XIII. Eskola Ibiltaria antolatu du Ikasle Abertzaleak ‘urrats bat marraztuz etorkizunean’ lemapean. Mattin Intxausti Eskola Ibiltariko antolatzaileetako batek xehetasun guztiak azaldu dizkigu.