The controversy has come at the festivities of Vitoria-Gasteiz, where the Alavesa Provincial Council has forced the implementation of the Ticket Bai system to the txosnas of the capital of Alavesa. The txosnas apparently have not used this system of invoices and the Council has opened a dossier to them.
The Txosnas of Vitoria-Gasteiz denounced that this was an attack on the popular festivities, considering that the txosnas are not profit-making companies, but volunteers.
The Diario Vasco has taken up the words of the general secretary of hospitality of Gipuzkoa, Kino Martínez. In his view, many popular movements that have txosnas and promote “solidarity” should be “consistent” and “practice pocket solidarity, not just the mouth”. He stressed that with 10% of the VAT paid through the bill “universal health care, free education or the IGR are paid to the most vulnerable who do not reach the end of the month”.
Martxoaren 2an igandea Iruinkokoak berriz ere Iruñeko karrikak hartu ditu.
Txosnen eledun Eider Castañedaren hitzetan, Marta Ruiz de Alda alkate erregionalistak "autogestioarekin, jai herrikoiekin, euskararekin, feminismoarekin zerikusia duen espazio oro debekatu nahi du".