The collective ‘Case, Hospitality Case, Complaint!’ has reported a claim in a statement published on the 27th night. A hospitality guild has reported suicide and described the event as "sequel and harm" of the measures that the French Government has imposed on the hospitality industry in the face of the situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The relatives of the deceased have requested that their names and surnames not be divulged in order to prevent them from being heard. Likewise, the collective has published an image in his honor of a painting made by the deceased hotel owner in his day.
In addition, he added that "the gesture that the citizens have had once again highlighted the breakdown of social relations and the imbalances generated by the closure of the hospitality industry".
The association, for its part, has stated that hospitality is being one of the professions "most punished" by the pandemic and that they do not even look to the future have "a glimmer of perspective" to reopen their doors, so they stressed the need to mobilize and meet.
Zisjordania, Mendebaldeko Sahara, Krimea eta orain zure etxe pareko espaloia. Noiz demontre kendu behar dituzte covidaitzakian tabernek anexionatutako terraza horiek? Ba ez dago batere argi. Agindu kontraesankorrak. Behe lainoa. Etsaia identifikatzea ere kosta egiten da... [+]
Nafarroako Gobernuak auzitegietara jo du ostalaritzako ordutegia eta aforoak mugatzeko. EAEn ere Eusko Jaurlaritzak LABI batzordea bilduko du asteartean, eta Ipar Euskal Herrian Frantziako Gobernuko ministroen kontseiluak hartuko dituen erabakien zain daude.