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They deliver in Aduna the Ja(ki)tea awards that have “excited” hospitality and producers

  • Thirteen cooks or producers have been awarded in this VI edition by the Guipuzkoan association that promotes “traditional Basque cuisine”. The awards recognise sustainable cuisine, developed in collaboration with local producers.

23 July 2024 - 15:53
Hamahiru sukaldari eta ekoizle saritu ditu aurten Ja(ki)tea sukaldarien elkarteak.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Dozens of people met this Monday at the Zabala Temple in Aduna (Gipuzkoa), at the VI awards ceremony of the Ja(ki)tea association. Xabier Zabaleta, president of the association and cook Donostiarra, recalled that the association has served fifteen years “working for traditional Basque cuisine”, although the road “has not been easy”. Prior to the awards ceremony, he stressed that this quote is usually an act to "value" the gastronomic values of Euskal Herria. In addition, after the event, guests have been offered the opportunity to taste the products of some of the members of the association.

Zabaleta has detailed that the Ja(ki)tea partnership, together with 40 associated restaurants in Gipuzkoa, is promoting sustainability and praising the work of farmers, farmers, pastors and fishermen in the area. Producers have been awarded for “making sustainable products” and cooks for “making recipes that will last in Basque cuisine,” Zabaleta explained.

After the performance of the txalapartaris and the performance of Jon Maia, the awards have started, and thanks to the words of the winners, they have remembered the impulse that Ja(ki)tea gives to the hotel owners: “Thank you for deluding the world of hospitality with these kinds of events and for solidarity in difficult times,” stressed Hilario Arbelaitz, chef of the restaurant Zuberoa (Oiartzun).

Igor Arrangi, from the restaurant Kaia (Getaria), awarded the prize for the best restaurant and product, has valued the work of the producers: “Thank you to the producers, because they have been with us in these 60 years; without them we could not go ahead.” In addition, several winners have taken the opportunity to call on the institutions for greater support and support, as the event has also featured senior officials from Gipuzkoa, including the Mayor of Donostia, Eneko Goia, the Deputy Foral for Mobility, Tourism and Spatial Planning, Azahara Domínguez Solguez Director of Tourism, Iñigo García, and the Director of Basguez.

Here are the winners of the 6th edition of the Ja(ki)tea awards:

1. Jakin restaurant award: Restaurant Botarri (Tolosa, Gipuzkoa), Txemari Esteban.

2nd prize, local product: Basque pig, Pierre Oteiza (Aldude, Behe Nafarroa).

3. Award for the best traditional pintxo. Pintxo Txipirón, bar Ordizia (Donostia), brothers Joseba and Mikel Benito.

4. Best Traditional Dish Award: Galeper salad Escabechada, Gurutze Berri Restaurant (Oiartzun, Gipuzkoa), Xabier Zapirain.

5. Prize use and promotion of Euskera: Ikili Taberna (Donostia), by Aitor Martín.

6. Award, recognition to the trajectory: Gregoria Igoa, Restaurant Azpikoetxe (Legazpi, Gipuzkoa); Hilario Arbelaitz, Restaurant Zuberoa (Oiartzun); and Nativity Orcasitas, Casa Garras (Karrantza, Bizkaia).

7. Award for use of the local product: Restaurant Kuko (Ormaiztegi, Gipuzkoa), Iñaki Telleria and Iñigo Urkijo.

8. Bringing together the prize, gastronomy and solidarity: Etiology and Utopia Association, Imanol Apalategi.

9. Prize for integration in Basque cuisine: Marta Deulofeu, Accommodation of Albiztur (Gipuzkoa).

10. Mikel Corcuera Gastronomic Journalism Award: Javier Yurrita (El Diario Vasco).

11. Juan Manuel Garmendia Award for the best restaurant and product: Kaia Kaipe (Getaria, Gipuzkoa), Igor Arrangi

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