11 doctors in health care earn 230,000 euros each year, one of the practices 18,000 euros
This Thursday, EH Bila asked the Government of Navarre to investigate and correct this situation in the plenary session of the Parliament of Navarre. The UPN and the PP have joined the request and the Department of Health has one year to carry out the research.
Among the 11 health doctors, they made a profit of 2.3 million euros in 2024. Some 300 people earn more than 100,000 euros per year, of which 11 earn an average of 230,000 euros, or 17,000 euros per month. Four of them patriarchal 20,000 euros per month and one of them patriarchal 24,000 euros per month. The biggest winner in 2023 brought in 243,000 euros and in 2024 288,000 euros.
The number of professionals earning more than 100,000 euros per year is on the rise: In 2022 there were 376, in 2023 there were 511 and in 2024 there were 667. Adolfo Araiz, Member of Parliament of the EH Assembly, said that the doctor who earns the most is earning three times more than the president of Navarre, María Chivit.
He also reports on the doctors who earn the least: those who do not have special supplements receive around 55,000 euros a year; and those who are in training are in two levels, those who are working for the first year earn 18,000 euros and those who are in the fifth year earn 24,890 euros.
According to Txomin González, EH, a member of parliament of the Assembly, in 2024 the person who received the most money in the Health System due to overtime pocketed 183,915 euros. According to his calculations, with the exception of the 30 days of vacation, this person had a daily working day of 12 hours during the year.
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According to the February 13 parliamentary response to EH Encuentro, the Minister of Health of the Government of Navarre, Fernando Domínguez, clarified that these benefits are additional payments for the work done by professionals, which is voluntary. In his opinion, therefore, “nothing should be changed or corrected”, but it is necessary to regulate the issue, prioritizing the need for attention and not making as much money as possible. Dominguez said that the government, however, is working to close the wage gap.
As approved by Parliament on Thursday, therefore, the government has been asked to present a study within a year on the benefits of professionals in the public health system. It will have to be presented “openly, to guarantee political, trade union and citizen participation, so that the bases of the new profits are widely accepted and transparent.”
Extraordinary consensus and disagreement took place this Thursday in the Foral Parliament: The UPN and the PP have joined EH Reunidos’ request that the investigation be conducted by a private company, while the PSN, Geroa Bai and Vox oppose it and Contigo-Contigo abstained.
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