The Verter Recycling company and the Basque Government have handled the situation in a regrettable way, we could say bad and late, but the reality is that it is still to be resolved.
The information that has been published in recent days only raises concerns about the bad management of the company and the lack of control of the Basque Government. As a result, the inhabitants of the counties of the Duranguesado and the Alto Deba are forced to live in complete uncertainty.
In addition to late recommendations, they are inaccurate and incomplete because students cannot stay for eight hours
in a closed space.
In view of this situation, the Department of Education has informed schools in the above-mentioned localities of: " far as possible, following the preventive measures indicated, the reduction of intensive outdoor sports activities is recommended. All school activities will be carried out inside the building and in the gym...". In addition to the delays in the recommendations, they are inaccurate and incomplete because the students cannot stay for eight consecutive hours in a space cerrado.En place to put exceptional measures to the disaster, only the usual emergency protocol has been announced (snow, winds, etc.). to avoid tragedia.Hay uncertainty across the educational community and few responses have been offered. In addition, the Department of Education has not sent educational centres to the professionals that the situation requires.
On the other hand, we are particularly concerned that the level of dioxins and furans in the Basque Government underestimates the negative effects it may have on the education community and on citizenship.
Given the seriousness of the situation, we demand that the functioning government adopt concrete measures, such as the performance of specific and continuous measurements, since the health of students, educational workers and families is at stake.
STEILAS (PPE). — (DE) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I should like to begin by congratulating Mr Steilas on his report.
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