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The Spanish Police withdraws the ikurrina and flag of Navarra from the field of Health

  • Club representatives explain that an SGS banner prompted the Spanish Police Coordinator to give an order to remove other symbols. Osasuna reproaches what happened and announces that it will initiate an internal investigation.

16 January 2023 - 09:46
Last updated: 11:32
Estadioko segurtasun indarrak Espainiako Poliziaren aginduz ikurrina eta Nafarroako bandera kentzen / Twitter
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

"On the occasion of the withdrawal of flags and banners during the celebration of the Osasuna - Mallorca party, the Board of Directors has agreed to initiate an internal study and a dossier to clarify and act accordingly the possible responsibilities. All this will be noticed. He also wants to make it clear that he regrets and rejects the events that took place yesterday at the stadium."

This brief health note refers, on the one hand, to the banner displayed by the Socialist Youth Coordinator (GKS) in the South Bank of Sadar and, on the other, to other banners and flags that were withdrawn by order of the Spanish Police coordinator, such as the Ikurriña and a flag of Navarra.

The Sport Law obliges clubs to report the symbols that will be displayed in the stadiums, if the Health criteria are usually "very flexible", according to Noticias de Navarra. However, the leaders of the Club have explained that the SGS did not report the banner, which he called to participate in the demonstrations on 28 January, and that therefore ordered that the coordinator of the Spanish Police, head of the security forces of the stadium, remove other symbols, which were perfectly legal and did not cover advertising, as the journalist Gorka Fiuza pointed out in the newspaper of Navarra. What was happening soiled the atmosphere of the stadium and sparked protests and soon afterwards the replacement of banners and flags was authorized.


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