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Open letter to the Health Advisor

24 April 2023 - 10:00

Dear reader, imagine, you are a CAPV citizen and Osakidetza is your public health service. Of all. Imagine one day going to the Customer Care Center to request your HC and finding the indications of a doctor who is not your doctor, in an unofficial language (English), written by someone who has no relationship with you, against the Basques. Surely you would stay in stone. Maybe angry.

That is more or less what has happened to me. An anesthesiologist at Arrasate Hospital has entered a patient's medical record without his consent, without the patient's knowledge, without his consent. Not once, but three times. And it says “Dear colleagues: If you hate spanish, please write your patients records in english because some of us do not.” A public document with the logo of Osakidetza and, in turn, a document owned by the patient. In other words, to express to our colleagues and to the patient that writing in Basque is to hate Spanish and Spanish and, as if it were not enough, not to write in Basque. Expressing the need not to use Euskera in the Basque Country and to use a language which is neither local nor official.

From now on, the vasco-speaking users of Debagoiena will not come to the anesthesiology service, knowing the treatment and insults they may suffer as vascospeakers.

Take an account. Discomfort, discomfort, worry, bad responsibility, discomfort and fear. Being threatened for working in Basque in the Basque Country. Don't be sure. What will be next? Do they beat us? Will they come against us? Meanwhile, the worker remains hospitalized, with total impunity, when the Basques fear us. The Directorate of OSI Alto Deba and the Osakidetza Directorate are responsible for taking measures. From now on, Debagoiena's vasco-speaking users will not go to the anesthesiology service, knowing the treatment and insults they may suffer as vasco-speakers. At least some patients have told me that. The medical and nursing staff in Osakidetza do not dare not resolve this issue, just in case.

However, there is a possibility of progress and improvement. Instrument for the promotion of the corporate image of Osakidetza and social cohesion. And that is why I am sending this open letter to the Health Advisor of the Basque Country. Waiting for you to take it into account.

It is essential to change the ethical code of health personnel so that attitudes towards Euskaldunes patients are respectful

It is essential to change the ethical code of health personnel so that attitudes towards Euskaldunes patients are respectful. So that the preferred language of health workers is also respected, so that we work in the two official languages without imposition. No threats. We create clinical documentation in both Basque and Spanish, depending on the preferences and needs of the patient. Across the organization, across all OSIs.

It is time to update worker reception protocols so that new workers who will come know where and what they come from. They will have to take care of Euskaldunes patients and, from time to time, they will increasingly take into account that clinical warnings will be written in Basque. It's not much to ask.

The management of Osakidetza owes us a public statement, both to the Basque patients and to the Basque workers

That is why I am addressing you, the Health Advisor. The management of Osakidetza owes us a public statement, both to Euskaldunes patients and to Euskaldunes workers, because we still cannot speak in Basque with peace of mind or write in Basque. Because even those who relate the use of Euskera with hatred, those who demand us not to work in Euskera, because they do it among us, free and calm, with total impunity.

Please change the code of ethics. Please modify the reception protocols. Please take into account the rights of vasco-speaking patients and workers. Waiting for your public statement and that of Osakidetza, and with many expectations, I write to you this open letter.

Aitor Montes Lasarte, physician of Osakidetza

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