Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They want to present the popular legislative initiative "To Recover Public Health"

  • They have launched a collection of signatures at the state level to bring to parliament a popular legislative initiative that guarantees public health, universal and quality. To do so, they must obtain 500,000 signatures.

30 August 2022 - 10:25
Mobilizazio bat Osakidetza indartzeko eskatuz.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The CAS Coordinator against the privatization of health has launched the collection of signatures calling for a number of measures. Among the people who have joined the initiative are also agents of Hego Euskal Herria. The aim is for the measures they propose to be discussed in the Spanish Parliament.

The initiative has five basic demands: health care for all people, the repeal of privatisation laws and the recovery of privatised centres, the creation of a public system of pharmacy and medical devices, the recovery and empowerment of primary care and the guarantee of health care in centres for elderly people dependent on the public sector.

Citizens can sign at the next link.

You are interested in the channel: Osasuna
Adin txikikoak dira Osakidetzako genero identitateko unitatetik pasa diren erdiak

1.075 pertsona artatu ditu Barakaldoko ospitaleko genero-identitateko unitateak, 2016ean unitate hori martxan jarri zenetik. Erdiak baino gehiagok adin-nagusitasuna bete aurretik jaso zuen lehen arreta. Eta, kopuru osoaren herenak hamasei urte baino gutxiago zituen.

Basauriko espetxeko preso bat hil dela jakinarazi du Salhaketa elkarteak

Presoa ziegan aurkitu dute hilik ostegun iluntzean. Eusko Jaurlaritzak esan du suizidio kasu baten aztarnak dituela. Gainera, Jaurlaritzak 2021ean espetxeen eskumena jaso zuenetik hiltzen den zazpigarren presoa da.

Materialismo histerikoa

Ikasturte osoan inork aipatu ez dituen kontuetan aritu ondoren, aktualitatearen erdigunera eraman nau, ustez, pneumonia batek, nola definitu ez dakidan hartuemana izan baitut Osakidetzarekin. Eta lehen deitik, ai ene, esperimentu batean egotearen sentsazio zirraragarria,... [+]

The midwives of Bizkaia will strike on 1 July to denounce the summer cuts of Osakidetza
The Euskadi Nursing Union, Satse, has called for a strike and accused Osakidetza of not taking measures to alleviate the workload resulting from the cuts.

Absolves the worker who, after being dismissed by Osakidetza, was charged with drilling two wheels in an ambulance
Judge Bilbaíno has stated that "there is not enough evidence" to show that the worker committed this crime and that "there are no witnesses" to prove this. The company that has awarded the ambulance service has reported more than 300 cases of sabotage of this kind.

Body sounds
"I had many surgical procedures without asking for permission."
The intersex activist* and the DJ are the Free of Marikarma (Baena, Spain, 1984). In 2003, the fight against the psychiatric system began, and it is currently following the same path as those of the Insania group. In March he participated in the Conference “Psychiatric... [+]

2024-06-19 | ARGIA
Doctors and pediatricians missing in Bortziri and Baztan
They have gone to the streets to denounce the lack of doctors and pediatricians from Bortziri and Baztan, the endless waiting lists and the delay in appointments, among others. “Those of us who live in rural areas also deserve proper attention.”

Lessons from history and multiple sclerosis

Mallorca, 1968. The historian Joana María Escartin was born. In 1989 he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and died on 30 May in his hometown, at the age of 56, coinciding with the international day of multiple sclerosis.

He studied at the UIB (Universitat de les Illes... [+]

The request for the centres to have a nurse comes to the Government
The response to accidents and emergencies and the care of students with chronic diseases would be, among others, the functions that the nurse would have in the school, which today is mostly in charge of the faculty. The association of nurses SATSE has claimed the presence of a... [+]

2024-06-12 | Ane Labaka Mayoz
Being born in Basque

Until her final stage, the linguist Carmen Junyent claimed the possibility of dying in Catalan. When she died, she wrote her experiences with the health staff and asked to be published after her death. In this way, he wanted to emphasize that language is part of the treatment of... [+]

Lekeitio SOS Movement
“Our health cannot depend on political decisions, we need decent services in the people”
As has happened with the gynaecology service, a group of citizens in Lekeitio has been jeopardising their paediatric service and, by the afternoon, they have brought to the streets the favour of decent health services. Marina Entziondo Txakartegi and Patricia Ruiz de Gopegi... [+]

ELA, LAB and CCOO criticize that Osakidetza's only solution is to extend working hours
Trade unions reject Osakidetza’s professionals paying through overtime instead of forming an appropriate workforce. They denounce the lack of management planning in the face of the problems that have been repeated in recent years.

Call to end "torture" against people suffering psychosocial suffering in Iruñea
They have made a demonstration in Pamplona organized by the Navarra association Mejana to make visible people suffering psychosocial suffering, to assert their rights and to break with the stigma.  

The oldest oncological intervention

Two years ago, the Catalan archaeologist Edgard Camarós, two human skulls and Cancer? He found a motif card inside a cardboard box at Cambridge University. Skulls were coming from Giga, from Egypt, and he recently published in the journal Frontiers in Medicine, his team has... [+]

Body sounds
"The worst thing about fibromyalgia is that others don't believe it."
Although for some it is invisible and implausible, there is fibromyalgia and there are more than two hundred symptoms associated with the disease. Some of them are supported by Edurne Iribarren (Otsagabia, Navarra, 1954) and stressed that they have a “great” impact on daily... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude