The Pact for the Restructuring of the Public Health System begins, which the Basque Government has already ordered a few months ago and which is now the Basque Parliament. The Health Advisor presented the draft on 5 September to trade unions, political parties, healthcare professional colleges, universities, patient platforms and business platforms. The chronometer has therefore been set in motion and the final plan to be drawn up by the Health Bureau in the coming months in cooperation has been put in place.
Meanwhile, the debate on the characteristics and measures to be taken by Osakidetza and its Reorganisation Pact has become a recurring theme in society. The discomfort and concerns generated by the malfunction of the system have long been heard, both among patients and among professionals. Two altars that I have known in recent months through the press have frightened me. On the one hand, at a press conference in July, representatives of a recognized union recognized the need to "flexibilize" the knowledge of the Basque Country, since the current situation causes "discrimination" against some workers. On the other hand, a health workers' platform has published a manifesto in which the value of the language (Euskera) is disregarded, disregarding the communicative relationship between patients and health professionals.
First, Health itself is a universal right recognized by the World Health Organization in the twentieth century and one of its pillars is health care. The systems that must ensure this care are aimed at curing, reducing or alleviating the health problems of society, for which it is necessary that the patient and the system are understood. In other words, according to scientific evidence, the linguistic parity between the patient and the professionals is important for all the processes that occur in the health system to be carried out effectively and safely. In fact, this criterion is the reference of communicative quality, and it is not only a concrete characteristic of health, but a minimum quality characteristic that any service must meet. That is why we need bilingual professionals who offer quality care to Basque patients.
We deserve a health system without discrimination that maintains social justice. The Basque Country is not responsible for the problems of the health system, nor for the situation of the working class
Secondly, the Basque language is also the official language of the Basque Country. Therefore, all Basques and Basques have the right to know and use Euskera, as well as to relate in Euskera with the administration. In this sense, health care should also be offered, offered and guaranteed in Basque: oral and written, at all levels of the health system (both in primary and hospital care), anywhere and at any time. If this were not the case, the exclusion of Basques would be put at risk, since the quality and equity of our care would be seriously compromised if we compared Spanish with patients with a language of communication by default.
Thirdly, the precariousness of workers in the health sector is not an isolated problem that occurs in the CAPV, but is an issue that is present in the national health system of the entire Spanish State. Baga, general final in procurement. Biga, lack of stability in the templates. Higa, the limited calls for oppositions and its long resolution (and let us not forget that some of them are currently judicially investigated for signs of friendliness). The lack of long-term provision for specialist health training, Samuel.
In short, let us not take away from the Basque Country the importance it has in communication and the clinical relationship, as it is an important guarantee of the quality of the system. We deserve a health system without discrimination that maintains social justice. The Basque Country is not responsible for the problems of the health system, nor for the situation of the working class. The linguistic rights of Euskaldunes should not be disputed.
Finally, we in the Recognition Group have denounced these discourses that underestimate the Basque Country and, in collaboration with the Euskal platform Herrian Euskaraz, are working to determine which minorities the Basque country should have in the health system.
Unai Larrinaga Torrontegi, Member of the Aoiz Movement
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ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
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