The Department of Health of the Basque Government has released data on complaints, complaints and gratitude that citizens have presented in Osakidetza on the initiative of the parliamentary group EH Bildu Rebeka Ubera. This document presents the figures from January to September 2024, the best complaints, complaints and acknowledgements; in this case, those from October to December 2023; and those from January to September 2023, by sections: complaints, complaints and acknowledgements.
Between January and September 2024, citizens have filed 34,184 complaints in Osakidetza, 7,697 complaints and 1,331 thanks. By comparison, 20.5% more complaints were filed this year than in the same period of the previous year, complaints – in absolute terms, twelve less – and thanks – nine less this year – remained similar. Complaint sheets differ greatly: This year there have been 5,833 more.
The course will be further clarified if the end-of-year data for this year are collected. In fact, the two months of last year were by far October and November, with 4,253 and 4,233 respectively. This year these figures have been exceeded twice: 4,688 claims sheets were submitted in June, 4,436 in May – with data so far, the two months in which the most complaints were received – and 4,044 in January. With regard to the complaints of June last year, the increase over the same month of the previous year has been 29%.
Every nine minutes, a complaint or complaint
Last year, every eleven minutes, citizens brought a complaint or complaint to Osakidetza, while this year every nine minutes they had one.
The thanks, on the other hand, arrive every 296 minutes, that is, every five hours.
Barakaldoko ospitaleko larrialdi zerbitzuan sufritzen ari diren "saturazioa larria" dela ohartarazi du sindikatuak. Pazienteak korridoreetan artatu dituztela eta krisia kudeatzeko "behar adina langile" ez dagoela salatu du. Errealitate horren aurrean... [+]
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Bizilagunek "egia eta politika" merezi dutela adierazi dute, oraindik konponbiderik bilatu ez zaizkien arazo ugari edukitzen jarraitzen baitute. Ikasketei eta osasun arretari loturiko arazoak nabarmendu dituzte.
These were my last words when we left, held hand in your deep breathing sleep. Your heart stayed forever without a special, simple, dignified pain. As you want and demand. How we want and respect.
Already a month before the arrival of winter, the last days of the longest night,... [+]