Demonstrations in Bilbao and Vitoria for quality public health took place at noon on Saturday. They have made a third afternoon march in Donostia.
The mobilizations have been convened by the Public Platforms for Public Health. They have received the support of over 100 community agents, environmental groups or feminist movements in defense of “quality, dignified public care” in the face of the process of “dismantling and privatizing public health”. The call was supported by the unions ELA, LAB, CGT, CNT, UGT, CCOO, Steilas, USO, SAE and Satse.
“The Basque Government cannot believe those who have caused this situation. Those who over the years are destroying public health for the benefit of clinics and private insurance,” the statement reads at the end of the march. "They announce important investments in the acquisition of very sophisticated medical equipment and new buildings instead of destined to solve real public health problems, such as the lack of personnel and the dying and abandoned primary care, which solves 80% or 90% of the population's health problems."
They ask that 25% of the health budget be allocated to Primary Care, that consultations be of fifteen minutes per patient and that waiting lists be of a maximum of two days.
Elizondoko osasun etxeko medikuaren bulegoan ez da medikurik izan gaur. Lehen eguna dute herrian sendagilerik gabe eta kezkatuta daude. Bizilagunak Baztango Osasun Plataforman batzartzen hasiak dira eta asteazkenetan protesta egiten dute kalean egoera salatzeko.
Lack of good doctors for a high middle grade policy. This policy has ensured that very few young people have reached the medical career and the MIR has further removed people from that career.
And there are few Basque doctors because the knowledge of Euskera in this profession... [+]
Osasun publiko eta kalitatezkoaren aldeko manifestazioak izango dira larunbat honetan. Eguerdiko 12:00etan Gasteizen eta Bilbon, eta 17:00etan Donostian.