A total of 31,235 people expected, in December 2022, to call from Osakidetza or Osasunbidea for “non-serious surgery.” The data have been provided by the Ministry of Health, according to Berria, and show that the waiting lists have been extended in the last year.
Between 2021 and 2022, an increase of 1,675 people was expected, while in Osakidetza 1,328 patients increased. The average waiting time for an intervention in the public service of Navarra is 85 days versus 73 days of the CAPV.
Patients with plastic surgery have to wait the longest time: 164 days in Navarra and 134 in the CAPV. The second specialty waiting for more time is traumatology: 102 days in Osasunbidea and 89 days in Osakidetza. A total of 9,040 people expected a traumatology operation in Hego Euskal Herria, a specialty that has the longest lists.
In addition, before the intervention, patients should also wait many days to refer to the specialist. According to data from the Ministry of Health, the average number of days in Osakidetza is 99 and 48 days in Osakidetza.
Gauez ia aste osoan ateak itxita izaten ditu Donibane Lohizuneko osasun zentro horretako larrialdi zerbitzuak. Herri Berri udal oposizio taldeak deituta, mobilizazioei ekin diete herritarrek eta jadanik 3.000 sinadura bildu dituzte zerbitzu "iraunkor eta eraginkorra"... [+]
Bizilagunek "egia eta politika" merezi dutela adierazi dute, oraindik konponbiderik bilatu ez zaizkien arazo ugari edukitzen jarraitzen baitute. Ikasketei eta osasun arretari loturiko arazoak nabarmendu dituzte.
Udaberri aurreratua ate joka dabilkigu batean eta bestean, tximeletak eta loreak indarrean dabiltza. Ez dakit onerako edo txarrerako, gure etxean otsailean tximeleta artaldean ikustea baino otsoa ikustea hobea zela esaten baitzen.
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11 doctors in health care earn 230,000 euros each year, one of the practices 18,000 euros
This Thursday, EH Bila asked the Government of Navarre to investigate and correct this situation in the plenary session of the Parliament of Navarre. The UPN and the PP have joined the... [+]