The authors of the study consider the public purchase of food as a "fundamental tool" to "change the paradigm of the current food system and contribute to the development of sustainable and specific policy objectives". They consider that "leveraging the purchasing power of hospitals, prioritizing sustainable local food, offers the capacity to make current food production models more resilient and sustainable."
For this study, carried out within the framework of the Renascence project, two working sessions were held with different agents from Osakidetza and the Basque Food System in which the current situation of sustainable food purchase in Osakidetza was analyzed, identifying the challenges and action plans necessary for the development of a sustainable food strategy.
Among the challenges presented in this document are the promotion of healthier and more sustainable menus, the coordination of waste, the prioritization of sustainable food, the promotion of the installation of people in the primary sector, the creation of a multidisciplinary governance team, the modification of the legal framework and the definition of criteria for tenders with sustainable vision, the valuation of organic food...
The report proposes different actions to develop each challenge. For example, waste assessment, establishment of sustainable product criteria, modification of bidding criteria, incorporation of the primary sector into the governance team, prioritisation of organic and local products in tenders, etc.
Here you can read the full approach of the report, in the PDF that will open by clicking on the "view - open" button.
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