In the case opened by the LAB trade union as an indictment, witnesses in Vitoria-Gasteiz will appear before Judge Ana Jesús Zulueta, between Tuesday and Monday, respectivamente.Para prove that the tests of the 2018 oppositions were manipulated, the union made several statistics: very high ratings were obtained from the environment of the authors of the examinations, in 19 normally very difficult categories. To explain all this, LAB member Jesús Oñate will speak.
Witnesses, in addition to members of LAB, include persons who supposedly benefited from this analysis or members of the courts who criticized the process. “We are pleased that this case continues. This case presents numerous indications of violation of the principles of equality, merit and the ability to access public employment and was always aware of the leadership of Osakidetza”, explained LAB.
Reports of fraud in Osakidetza and the scandal that has occurred have witnessed a long cuerda.Por example, the contract was suspended to the anesthesiologist who had reported leaks of chemicals. In 2019, a number of high positions were declared and, in relation to the case, former director of Osakidetza Maria Jesús Mujika and former health advisor Jon Darpón had to resign.
Sindikatua pozik agertu da epaileak ikerketa sei hilabetez luzatzea onartu duelako, baina autoari ebazpena jarriko dio "autoa hobetzeko eta defentsen ekintzak baliogabetzea eragozteko".
Marta Machok, Osakidetzako oposizioen iruzurra salatu zuenetariko batek, jakinarazi du formula berriak zaharrak baino kontrol gehiago eman diezaiekeela zerbitzu-buruei.
Alderdi Popularraren abstentzioa salbu, gainerako talde politikoek babestu dute EH Bilduk mahai gainean jarritako proposamena.
Oposizioen iruzurraren auzia hasi zenetik dimititzen duen laugarren zuzendaritzako kidea da. Osakidetzaren barne ikerketa zuzendu zuen Balerdik. Sindikatuek lehiaketa sistemaren eredua aldatu beharra nabarmendu dute.