Three heads of service at Osakidetza are charged for the crimes of public officials who reveal secrets and lack of fidelity in the custody of documents for filtering responses to examinations from different disciplines according to the allegations.
Male has been the first witness to appear this Tuesday and has explained for an hour the statements made to the Office of the Prosecutor before the OPE of Osakidetza: they filtered the tests to a number of people who presented to the oppositions before conducting the tests; and how they tried to record those responsible for those leaks; and how they went to the notary, knowing who would get the highest scores before performing the tests.
Patxi Nicolau of ESK explained to various media after testifying that the first session of the trial “is the beginning of a process”, an “important step”. He added that ESK is trying to put more evidence on the table, because at the moment in the trial there are only three defendants and they are about to go tests of so many other specialties. However, the irregular results were found in nineteen disciplines, not only in three.
On Wednesday, the other two anesthesiologists who denounced the leaks, as well as the former Director-General of Osakidetza, María Jesús Múgica, will declare. Thursday will be the turn of the three heads of service investigated: César Augusto Valero, Reyes Vega and José Luis Cabriada.
Following these initial statements, the judge will decide whether to meet other Osakidetza charges: Juan Carlos Soto, who resigned from the human resources management, Xabier Balerdi, and the health care director, Andoni Arcelay, are in charge of deciding.
Sindikatua pozik agertu da epaileak ikerketa sei hilabetez luzatzea onartu duelako, baina autoari ebazpena jarriko dio "autoa hobetzeko eta defentsen ekintzak baliogabetzea eragozteko".