Due to the opposition to the medical specialist of Osakidetza, we want to publish this document about the events that are taking place from June 1.
We are the three medical specialists who work for the Basque health system, with no job title. Right now, the three of us are affiliated with CSR. We have been talking for months about something that is totally unfair to us, even though this situation is accepted among colleagues and superiors.
First of all, we want to address the message to colleagues who feel bad: Because they thought they “fit” in this PERIOD and because they have given all the aggressiveness against us when they see themselves “without jobs”; we have only denounced a typical irregularity, we have not committed any irregularities. We don't decide anything, or cancel things or judge anything. We believe that progress towards transparency and equal opportunities will benefit all. We all need a peaceful transition to normalcy.
Secondly, we are addressing the authorities: we find it exhausting and very sad that we are forced to use Machiavellian political and trade union techniques to make known what we all knew in an effective way. It is totally unfair that in order to denounce corruption in your organization, a person has to expose himself to the limit of risk because the evidence of imputation rests on his back. One of us asked for questions from his study in order to make it public and to give credibility to the complaint. If anyone accuses this colleague of having acted with hisi, it is very wrong. That's right, he's the bravest of the three.
Protocols must already be put in place to protect and guarantee the safety of those interested in denouncing corruption in public institutions and administrations.
In conclusion, we encourage those who feel affected by this problem to talk about their situation and express their opinion without fear and without complexes. We know that taboos must be broken for this, but we are clear and clear that this is the path that must be given to all of us, and this is precisely what motivated us to make these reflections public.
Vitoria, 10 June 2018
Sindikatua pozik agertu da epaileak ikerketa sei hilabetez luzatzea onartu duelako, baina autoari ebazpena jarriko dio "autoa hobetzeko eta defentsen ekintzak baliogabetzea eragozteko".