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Incidents on the first day of strike by Osakidetza subcontracted cleaning staff

  • The strike will take place throughout the week. The LAB union has announced that several workers have been injured and that one of them has had to go to the emergency room. According to the union, they have identified four workers and received two ducks.

27 February 2023 - 10:50
Last updated: 2023-03-01 14:27

Workers have been out of work for five years, according to the trade unions called LAB, UGT, CCOO and ESK. What they are asking is that the conditions applying to Osakidetza staff should also be applied.

Cleaning workers subcontracted by Osakidetza will take a week-long strike from Monday to Sunday from 27 February to 5 March. Approximately 2,500 workers are on strike.

The first day at Cruces Hospital there have been incidents, according to LAB.

According to the convening trade unions, LAB, UGT, CCOO and ESK do not call for "going beyond the approval". In other words, they want the same conditions as non-outsourced staff: they demand access to different career development calls; that the vacancy coverage system be "fairer"; that they have the right to partial retirement linked to the relay contract; and that Osakidetza staff have the permits and licenses that they have recognised.

Negotiations for the new labour agreement began in 2018, but they say it is blocked. Trade unions denounce that companies have positioned themselves "in a comfortable position" and attribute their responsibility to the leadership of Osakidetza. "They do not want to agree anything with the trade unions, except with the prior approval of the Osakidetza leadership."

ESI Donostia Chiefs of Service Stop Protests

The Heads of Service of OSI Donostia called for the Osakian Directorate to sign the minutes and write down the commitments, and they have succeeded. The EiTB Group has gathered three new developments: firstly, to make it possible for the representation of workers to be guaranteed to meet with the Management; secondly, to replace specific posts with network resources when they are empty; and thirdly, to maintain the centrality of the Donostia Hospital.

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