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Osakidetza's previous address will not be processed in connection with OPE leaks

  • The Álava Court rejects the LAB appeal. However, the union sees “opportunities” for a trial.

07 October 2022 - 06:32
Osakidetzako 2018ko EPEan filtrazioa salatu zuten / Argazkia: ESK
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In the case of the leakage reported in Osakidetza’s OPE Public Employment Offers in 2018, the Alavés Court has stated that it will not prosecute the former Osakidetza directorate. The LAB syndicate has taken note of the decision in a document, as it was he who brought the action denied by the court on Thursday.

The union warns that in this way the OPE will not process Osakidetza doctors “the operational nucleus responsible for devising, planning, organizing and executing the entire network of leaks”, which “reaffirms impunity” of the former Osakidetza leadership. They have investigated some 20 people, but none have declared themselves imputed.

The union denounces that the responsibility of the Directorate will be “wiped out with resignations” and that this “is not enough, given the gravity of the fraud”.

On the other hand, despite the decision of the Álava Court, the union sees “opportunities” to make a judgment, although among the studies “the lowest levels of participation will be judged”. The people who designed the OPE intend to explain the actions carried out in it and, even if they have not been penalized, “let society know them”.

LAB sees the problem of leaks positive, believes that the scenario for the OPERs of the coming physicians has changed “significantly”. Thanks to the procedural activity, they have also been “proud” to publicize what has happened and “disguise themselves from the reality that has been occurring for decades”.

They also reject the “lack of cooperation” shown by the directorates of Osakidetza in this instruction, as well as the fact that the court has reported the matter “late and incomplete”. Thus, as they accused the court, they “have not been able to analyze the examinations of most of the categories monitored and judicialized by Osakidetza”.

In short, they consider that the instruction that lasts four years has been “surrounded by the lack of ambition and determination to seek the truth,” and that the lack of initiative of the rest of the accusations has been “surprising”.

On Wednesday, the ESK trade union denounced the cessation of a second worker in this case for 'institutional harassment and ill-treatment'. Counsellor Gotzone Sagardui replied that Osakidetza treats her staff ‘equally’ and ‘respectfully’.

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