As far as Osakidetza is concerned, Otxandiano has announced that EH Bildu will leave out the measures in this regard in the autumn budget debate. He said that it is a gesture to bring to bear the line taken by the new Basque Government. There has also been talk of self-government. Otxandiano has said that the harmony between the two has been good and has invited Pradales to build a space of trust in which they can trust.
Bizkaian eta Gipuzkoan egin bezala, EAEko estatus politiko berriak Euskal Herria nazio gisa aitortzea eta erabakitzeko eskubidea jasotzea eskatu dute Arabako Batzar Nagusietan alderdi abertzaleek.
There are those who say that elections serve only to give legal status to political decisions. And there are not very many who think that way. Okay, but with that, a lot of things are said, among other things, that real power, power, is out of that game.
But, in my view,... [+]