Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

It takes less than a month for the elections and only two weeks to officially start the campaign. The first two canonical blows have already occurred. One for the administration, which has carried out the drawing of the citizens who will vote in the polling stations, and another for the political parties that have published the lists of candidates with a 48-hour queue. And so another march has gone up in the household appliance machinery.

The institutional policy of Euskal Erdia has begun to get into the debate, but they are still in its presentation. According to the Gizaker survey house, both Pradales and Otxandiano are now much better known than when the presidential candidates met. But not so much. Pradales, for example, asks with a short video what “your Basque Country” looks like. Vertical video, in black and white, like the launches made by a major bank -- to reach young people? Soon they will start participating in podcasts in late-night format, in the thread of Pedro Sánchez, who seems that his presence in La pija and la quinqui benefited him – a reading made by La Naval.

Other images that complete the plans of Pradales are the catiuscos to work in the garden, the hands that sow a seed, others typing the computer, a fisherman, the machines of a workshop, the woman with the child in her arms… References to the primary and secondary sector, to employment, to wealth and, explicitly, to coexistence and coexistence.

It does not even refer to health, if it has not been desired to touch that branch in a transversal way with the term “welfare”. He could put the spotlight there, but he has not, and it seems that the PNV intends to talk little about Osakidetza's health. With regard to the campaign, the present government may not want to collide too much with the new nationalist forces.

At the beginning of the week, Pradales undertook to establish, if he were president, the family doctor’s shift within a maximum of 48 hours. But a month back in the newspaper library, he realizes that one of them was “confirmed” by the current Health Advisor in early February, in a plenary session, that Osakidetza is acting below that limit. In addition, Sagardui said that Osakidetza is “recovering” well, meeting the stated goals. These statements should also be contextualized, in order to respond indirectly to Pradales, who claimed days before the need to "improve" Osakidetza. It seems that the needs have been tangled up to defend the situations themselves.

In this context, EH Bildu has presented a proposal that will be the focus of its health policies. Among other issues, the roadmap on the transformation of personnel policy draws attention. He says that it does not seem right for health workers to work simultaneously in the public and in the private, let alone in those with heavier responsibilities. However, the proposal does not include line managers, only in the Basque Journal. Is it chance? Why put it in the background? Because it would provoke crispation and a loss of votes from these doctors?

Above all, if something has been given last week, there has been an exercise to confirm the title: according to the EiTB Focus survey, in parliamentarians, there may be a tie between the PNV and EH Bildu. And in lower case, the illustrative thing is that if you choose a coalition government, most would prioritize the alliance between PNV and EH Bildu.

The electoral cycle of the Basque Centre needs some criticism, because fans, if not, will look at Catalonia. The two main candidates speak of “improving” Osakidetza, but something remains to be done in the wound. If change can happen, people need illusion, and to have illusion, you need the foundation of what can really be a reformist change. In other words, concrete proposals and promises. And inevitably, some ideas should trigger convulsions. It doesn't seem right for anyone. In the struggle for power it's easier to fall into generalities, and it's also easy, when you don't see the opportunity, to stand firm on hardness.

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