In 2015, CNT asked the Basque Government for a meeting to discuss the issue of the confiscated newspaper. However, despite the holding of several meetings, the union has explained that they have not received any response from the Executive. They appeared before the Basque Government’s Commission on Human Rights on 14 November 2018. The response to the request made by the Basque Government to the CNT was unanimously requested (dossier 11\00\10\00059).
“We are waiting for an answer,” said the CNT. For this reason, “we take advantage of the presence of Lehendakari in this historic act of memory” to demand the implementation of the report of the United Nations Rapporteur, as stated in resolution 60/147 establishing the principles of human rights. They have had the opportunity to speak with the spokesman for the Basque Government, Josu Erkoreka, on this matter.
The Basque Government itself has called for the return of property seized by the Franco regime in Paris (Casa Cervantes, the seat of the Basque Government in exile). The union has considered this to be logical and has transferred its support to the management of the company.
However, they complain that the Executive does not act in the same way in relation to the heritage of the CNT. To do so, they have decided to make a concentration.
This news was posted by Uriola and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
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