Benito Lertxundi
Celebration night
When: 26 November.
Where: Baluarte (Pamplona).
The Pamplona people are approaching Christmas with the Orio bard, although the pandemic and the annual frequency of the other leg have blurred in recent years. Before and after the concert, in the same way. It is not possible to say goodbye to any of the people who are on the way to the concert or just out. The date of its last incorporation into the last three or four periods is unknown.
Stand on the tabside for just over 80 years and two hours and peak. Every year more off, weaker, less present. But do these adjectives take place? (Just over 80 years and two hours and peak). Benito Lertxundi has been one of the participants of the new Basque song in our house. The Laboazale has always been guavas, but what we are going to do to him, that is how he touched us. His voice has brought the soundtrack to our childhood, has delighted his voices (not so much for the mother) many of the long journeys of the car, his voice sings the song his father wants to put on his funeral.
Two brothers Zeberio, Olatz Zugasti, Ángel Unzu, Pello Ramírez… Anyone can be surrounded by these tranquils. People have come to see Benito, but 20th-century Benito, almost nobody in the environment sings a new song. I have the feeling that Lertxundi is the admiration of a dead but living artist.
The voices of Intza Unanue and Olatz Zugasti become more and more important, Lertxundi moves the bridge before finishing the song for the next one, there are more instrumental pieces, instead of giving the beginning of a song he decried… I don’t know if metaphorically they are, but little by little it disappears from the table Ez dok amairu. There is no criticism, I insist, to see who is able to walk this way at that age…
When she started singing, she was invited to a jotero festival from Tudela. It was the year 1968-1969 and the Oriotarra had its first time in Tudela. Then he met the Ribera and a few days later he created the homonymous song. After spending the years without singing, he offers today the Head of the City, after his wife has freed him from Orio to Pamplona.
I said no with the news, but when Jaun Baruak, (without hitches) Mirotzak, or the first tracks of recognition of Nere, a beloved village girl, Baluarte takes a few seconds. I would say that you gave the explanation of a possible flag network, but I will not confirm anything.
After 30 songs we went out to the fresh street on November Sunday. Someone who is disappointed, excited, cannot come wanting to repeat with another cold autumn or winter sunset next year.
Since Benito Lertxundi, who told us that he will leave the scenes for ever, we have been there for several weeks, and since then many of us have felt orphans in one way or another, with a sense of loss or abandonment, sad. To Iruindarro, at least, we will remain forever honored... [+]
Benito Lertxundi 60 urte iraun duen kantugintza uzten zuela jakinarazi du Durangoko azoka aitzin. 2023an Gernikan grabatu zuen kontzertu baten diskoarekin bururatuko du bere ibilbide handia bezain aberatsa. Bazuen urtea hartua zuela erabakia, ez da erraza izan horren berri... [+]
You can see "Matalaz/Lertxundi" when you look at the authors of the famous song Matalaz. However, in the middle of the century, Jean-Louis Davant publicly confesses that Matalaz's last words are invented by him, and that he did so "at the beginning of the void" for not having said it... [+]