The Colonna family called for the mobilization of Ajaccio, and all the Basque parties and groups supported the massive demonstration. About 10,000 people congregated in the Corsa capital, with the same motto as the mobilizations of recent weeks: “The French state is a murderer.”
Sunday was the third mass event within a month, and the slogans of the previous ones were repeated: “Justice and truth for Yvan Colonna, freedom of political prisoners and recognition of the Corsa nation.”
At the end of the demonstration there were police burdens and disturbances that lasted well into the night. Among them, the Police Prefecture was attacked. On the other hand, several demonstrators were wounded, some of them seriously, by National Police officers.
The negotiations that Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin proposed in response to the "Corsica cases" were planned this week and the first date has been postponed. Following the incidents, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, said that "there will be no dialogue until the order is restored" and has confined himself to responding. "He is in favour of any progress that meets people's needs, but autonomy is not independence," he added.
Irulegiko Irratiko Sakonean emankizunaren hirugarren saioan Korsikako nazio askapen mugimendua izan dute hizpide, Marseillako presondegian Yvan Colonna FLNC Korsikako Nazio Askapen Fronteko militante eta preso politikoak bizia galdu zuenetik hilabetera.