First you have to sign up. As soon as I started filling out the form, the platform asked me to choose the "destination". Fortunately, it wasn't an open question, and because there were no more geographical references on the list, I quickly realized that I was talking about the workplace, that is, the physical destiny. In any case, I understood that the use of Euskera would mark my destination and, in fact, I felt empathy with those who, pushed by that same destination, clicked the other way, who then clicked to change the language of the form.
The second critical moment was to decide the language of analysis. A personal decision seems free, but case. In what language is the bibliography? What about teaching materials? If you intend to go to an academy, in what language will the teacher speak? It is important that the organizations have done their work so that the examiner himself does not radically condition the decision of departure that seemed free.
I have made quite a lot of opposition and once the organisation that convened the opposition has offered the possibility to carry out the whole process in Basque with comfort. I promise that it is as boring to learn the administrative procedure in Basque as in all other languages, but I promise, because I have done so, that it is possible. So, if possible, why is it not systematically guaranteed that all oppositions can be made comfortably in Basque? It would be an effective way of influencing administration. Currently, in the best of cases, the knowledge of Euskera in oppositions is merit or condition, but in all cases the opposition in Euskera has even more merit. It is not normal for Euskaldunes to make opposition in Spanish, and they will have to be removed from those spaces of comfort if we want to build spaces in which some organizations can speak in Basque comfortably.
Finally, the test day has come and you've heard the speakers: "If you want to do the test in Basque, please raise your hand." There is no hand in view, but after so much conditioning the decision, it would be perishable to fully blame the examiner for not performing the examination in Basque. The burden of guilt suffocates Euskalduna in the same way that we drown feminists and ecologists. We must learn to liberate ourselves and move forward without drowning. Of course we will have to click, change language habits also in oppositions, for example, to learn what the sanction and concession are, as did the pioneers who learned physics in Basque or as the women who stopped cutting the hair. That is to say, to awaken awareness, to make demands on those involved, to open roads, but without imposing on those who are on the road a minimum load from above.
In essence, the challenge has reminded me that the spaces to speak in Basque comfortably do not come in themselves, that we have to build them. They ask for awareness and collaboration, except individualism and not thinking about the context that they sell us as progressive. However, although it seems paradoxical, the revitalization of the Basque Country, feminism or environmentalism constantly show us that one can look at the environment. And that is that we build, to some extent, safe areas for women, natural shelters or spaces of comfortable use in Basque.
Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.