For EH Bildu, the main opposition party, the Department of Health and Osakidetza have not carried out the appropriate investigations and the explanations it has given so far have been “absolutely insufficient and disappointing”.
Elkarrekin We can say that the authorities want to "terminate" the investigation and that they have not taken any steps to end concord. The PP, for its part, has stated that "attention is diverted" and that the conclusions drawn are for the curtain to be "denser".
The ELA union considers the closure of the investigation to be "unacceptable", calls for the dismissal of the health advisor and calls for the need for a new system. The Medical Union of the Basque Country assures that the research sought a single person responsible and did not reveal the errors made in the process itself. LAB and CCOO accuse Osakidetza of terminating the investigation “without knowing what the problem was”.
Sindikatua pozik agertu da epaileak ikerketa sei hilabetez luzatzea onartu duelako, baina autoari ebazpena jarriko dio "autoa hobetzeko eta defentsen ekintzak baliogabetzea eragozteko".