On Tuesday, the Governing Council of the Basque Government approved the Udaberri Plan for Coexistence, Human Rights and Diversity 2021-2024. The first draft, presented in May and following a "process of contrast" with Basque political parties, except VOX, victim associations and other organisations, was presented this week with the final text of the Victims of Terrorism Act.
Among the changes made is the delegitimization of “the expressions of violence, intolerance and sectarianism that still occur in our environment”. The statement refers to a number of actions against recognition and respect for victims of terrorism and violence, including welcome actions.
The Minister of Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Beatriz Artolazabal, explained that although these acts “go beyond humanity, to express the affection of the people and the family, they are de facto the symbolic exaltation of the political culture of violence and injustice and revictimization of the victims”. In this way, they have asked those who have exercised or justified ETA's violence to carry out a "critical reflection" in the political and social sphere, in order to "abandon the culture of violence".
Among others, they have cited as exponents of this violence those painted on the street, threats, physical and verbal violence, as well as assaults on the Ertzaintza. The text sets out to “preserve and promote diversity” in order to return to broken coexistence in times of armed violence and states that limits must be placed on these actions to ensure that the rights of all sectors, especially the victims and the most vulnerable sectors, are truly defended.
The additional objectives of the Basque Government’s Coexistence Plan mention a number of objectives that have been advanced. Amendments to the Basque Law on Victims of Terrorism have also been discussed, including testimonies from ETA victims, meeting in reports, organising educational programmes on the subject and drawing up aid schemes for associations. On the other hand, he referred to the recognition of the population that has suffered police violence and the first steps towards the approval of the Basque Law of Historical and Democratic Memory.
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