Beyrie left jail on Friday and was received on Saturday in her hometown. The act was initiated by Kanbo's cigarrants and the waltz was danced with a picture of Beyrie on the shoulder.
As the news reports, Ellande Alfaro and Maddi Sarasua participated in the Bertsos, emphasizing Beyrie’s “struggle force”. The Ahizpak Air Group also participated in the event. For twenty years, the friends who visited the jails danced the sokadantza and Beyrie also joined the dance. Kattin Bergara, friend of Beyrie, read a letter of thanks: “Thank you Lorentxa for being who you are and thank you for sharing with us what you are. Welcome home!”
Young people from the town and the surrounding area wrote a song to receive him and the singer Niko Etxart sang the song "Oihaneko zuhainetan" in the Biscayan municipality. At the end of the act, several former Basque prisoners danced an aurresku, bringing a dozen ex-eta prisoners onstage.
“I’m not going out of jail to start from scratch,” says Lorentxa Beyrie, in an interview with Ipar Euskal Herriko Hitzan Joanes Etxebarria. On Friday he spoke to journalist Joanes Etxebarria, who showed his desire to be welcome: “I also want to see new people and people.”
Beyrie started painting while in jail and today the paintings are on sale. Thank the family for their collaboration with the cadres: “They knew how important it was for me to have contacto.Esta bridging work has been a constant in the family. With the paintings they have also taken a great job, that’s for sure.”
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What surprised you the most when you left jail? I've been asked many times in the last year and a half.
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