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Arkaitz Rodríguez says Sortu is making “a reflection” about the welcome

  • The Secretary-General of Sortu has stated that he has always "taken into account" the requests of the victims of ETA "honestly, constructively and privately" and in the case of "welcome" he will try to "comply with" them.

22 October 2021 - 11:25
Last updated: 13:29

Rodríguez, interviewed on the Boulevard de Radio Euskadi program, has analyzed, among other topics, the reception given to prisoners of eta. The speaker asked him whether the Abertzale left wants to respond positively to the requests of ETA victims such as Sara Buesa, that is, whether it is going to stop receiving well. “We are reflecting, insofar as there are ETA victims who have welcomed this Monday’s statement, who are moving this request to us constructively, sincerely and, fundamentally, privately,” Rodríguez replied. He added that the requests of the victims have always been "taken into account" and that in the case of those who welcome it will also be so: “Sortu will try to do whatever he can to try to meet those demands.”

Statement by Aiete

The Secretary-General of Sortu also referred to the statement made by Rodríguez and Arnaldo Otegi himself on Monday in Aiete. “It was not easy,” he said when asked about the influence the statement had within the party: “There are activists among us who complain that only we take steps in that direction.” He has also stated that since Monday he has received "countless" messages in which he has congratulated the statement. He has defended the need for the declaration, and he has explained that great internal pedagogy is being done for the future.

Asked whether the warm welcome of the PSE, Jesús Egiguren or José Luis Zapatero announce new policies of alliances, Rodríguez has pointed out that this was not an objective, but that if it implied the demolition of the “trenches raised for years” it would be “good news”.

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