This year’s edition was presented on 3 October, with a duration of between this month and December. "The small format will be the protagonist", according to the organizers of the event, to be held in Bilbao. The main novelty of this year is that it will reach beyond Ondarroa. Aiert Goenaga, representative of the Ranpiko of the Port of Ondarroa, said that "if last year we started with illusion, we are already in the fourth". "When all this started in the summer of 2015, we couldn't imagine at all that the fourth edition was in network format. We maintain the objectives we set at the beginning, completing the cultural offer of the people and bringing the citizens closer to Basque music with the objective of being an effective means for the transmission of Basque culture. But this year also outside Ondarroa."
It is precisely this Tuesday that the concert programme starts in small format, but not in Ondarroa, but in Pamplona/Iruña. In Katakrak will be live Lauroba and Petti from 19:00 and tickets for the concert are on sale for 10 euros. Thursday will be the turn of Mikel Urak in the Bira space of Bilbao, from 20:30 a.m. The first concert of Ondarroa will be held on Friday: The Montauk Vitorian team joins the Ranpin of the Port of Bilbao.
At the moment, they are the first concerts that have been announced within this special concert schedule. The organisers have announced that they will be gradually reporting on upcoming events.
Commitment to collaboration
Lutxo Egia, responsible for the space located on Ronda de Bilbao Street, has stressed that the axes of this collaboration with Bira and Katakrak have been "the Basque, culture and networking". "Because the Redstone network covers all those things, we didn't think twice when we had the opportunity to be part of the project. We've already taken the first step to complete the network, now time will tell us how far it all comes."
In Katakrak, the proposal was also welcomed with good eyes from the very beginning. "We will integrate it naturally in the old town of Central City. At the end of the day, Pamplona is very popular and we believe it will work very well according to the philosophy of the project," explains Hedoi Etxarte, representative of Katakrak.
For her part, singer Miren Narbaiza spoke about the importance of the project for creators: "These kinds of initiatives are essential to connect in a more intimidating way with the public. In fact, the small format is very enriching for the receiver, on the one hand because of the conditions that are given to enjoy the performance and on the other because it is usually given after the concert".
Of the same opinion is Inés Osinaga: "The creation of a new plaza is always a source of joy when you see a square tripling. In these times when we are increasingly less concerned about the transmission of our culture, these kinds of initiatives are a kind of oasis for creators. We're going to go up to the scene with illusion."
We have known Aitor Bedia Hans, a singer of the Añube group for a long time. At that time we were reconciled with BEÑAT González, former guitarist of the Añube group. It was at the university time, when the two young people of Debagoiena came to Bilbao to study with music in... [+]
Kutixik Non
Festival: In the Casa de Cultura de Intxaurrondo, in San Sebastián.
When: 26 October.
It is a musical initiative that emerged in Donostialdea and aims to "collectively confront the music industry that wants precarious,... [+]
WHEN: 31 August.
WHERE: Plaza 23 de September.
On Saturday night, the Erandio festivities and the storm have fired the month of August. The concert of the zumaiarra band Eire is announced for 22:00 p.m. Lately the group... [+]
WHEN: 1 September.
WHERE: Sala Zentral de Pamplona.
For many it is the last day of vacation. "A plan to bring a good end to the summer." On Sunday night, the Zentral Hall hosted a group of spectators who... [+]
When: 11 August
Where:Ermita de Santa Clara (Ondarroa)
We've gone to try to survive the heat on the coast, we've bathed in the beach that was being emptied, dining out and watching the concerts of Santa Clara Day... [+]
Summer comes and with it the popular festivals of towns, neighborhoods and cities. Festivities have always been the refuge of social and political demands, neighborhood relations and popular euphoria. They take our streets and for a few days they are an example of... [+]
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WHEN: February 23.
PLACE: Sala Totem de Villava.
We had no doubt that Pello Reparaz and his band prepared the show, the question was how it was. The first three concerts of Aaztiyen tour in Villava –(sic.) In... [+]
The last crusade, the last pleasure, the last sigh... The repertoire of Basque music dedicated to the last is prolific. The latter, moreover, gains added value when it cannot be predicted, even if groups are increasingly measured when and how to say goodbye.
Recently, Huntza... [+]
Mefsst! Feminist musical revolt
WHEN: 24 February
WHERE: Hiruputzu youth centre in Zarautz
Mefsst starts with the Ainara Legardon conference! Second day of the festival in the gaztetxe Hiruputzu of Zarautz,... [+]
Mice + Nakar + Les Sauvaje MJ
Where: At the Athenaeum of
Elorrio When: 23 December 2023.
[Photo: Ainhoa Iraola]
Premiere of the new season of the Ateneo music cycle. All tickets exhausted. So they told us, when... [+]
Dismissed by Willis Drummond
Where: Casa de Cultura de Intxaurrondo, San Sebastián
When: 5 January
Guests: Zetkin, Elvis Caino DJ, Indez DJ and Zumitren DJ.
... we will ever say. Go see him, but no longer. On 5 January... [+]