The trial was held on 26 September at Social Court No. 1 in Eibar. In the lawsuit, one of the workers recognizes asthma as an occupational disease, so he asks the company to suspend the employment relationship, to pay the dismissal and to pay additional compensation.
According to the report of the judgment made by the union ELA, "the company has limited itself to minimizing the problem, although the results of the hygienic measurements are clear: the exposure to sulphuric acid to fogs is 62 times the environmental limit value required. In the same line, of the 32 measurements performed between 2017 and 2021, the exposure limit value has been exceeded 22 times".
ELA recalls that "there are many resolutions of the Labor Inspectorate and of Osalan, especially from 2018 until today, to draw attention to this problem and request the intervention of the company. However, so far, it has not taken any measures to protect workers' health."
Autlán, a Mexican mining company, bought in February 2020 Cegasa, based in Oñati (details in this news item), for an amount of €26.35 million. The Oñati plant is the second in Europe to produce electrolytic manganese dioxide, an essential element for the production of alkaline batteries. The purchase of Autlán accounts for half of the company, as the other 50% is owned by Iberdrola.
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