Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Onaro is born, telecommunications operator of Oñati

  • The City Hall has presented Onaro, the local telecommunications operator who will make broadband available to all citizens. After years of experience in the electricity sector, the road to Internet management has now begun as a basic service, from the people.
Angel Biain, Izaro Elorza eta Xabier Igartua, Onaroren aurkezpenean. /

17 June 2021 - 06:43
Last updated: 08:44
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The pandemic has highlighted the lack of Internet connection of many players. In particular, the 210 buildings in the rural centre of Oñati lack broadband Internet access and in some buildings there are no broadband access in the urban area. But let's remember that in 2011, the UN recognized Internet access as a human right.

Experience in electricity management

In the electricity sector, the municipality has years of experience. Through Oñatiko Ur Jauziak, the energy consumption of citizens is generated through renewables; the distribution is made through Oñargi; and Merkaoña offers contracts and direct attention. Well, from now on the way has begun to manage the Internet from the people, which is a basic service.

They have set up their own operator

The decision to set up the telecommunications operator was unanimous and will be taken over by the electricity marketing company Merkaoña, which will also assume the status of telecommunications operator. They have therefore set up their own operator in which they have been assisted by the Basque cooperative telecommunications operator, Izarkom.

Onaro, to offer a "comprehensive" service

Onaro has been created with four main objectives: to provide a broadband connection to all citizens, direct care, close and “without deception”, to meet the needs of citizens from the people, to work with local suppliers and to work with the conviction that basic services are better managed from the people. This was explained in the presentation by Mayor Izaro Elorza and Councilor Xabier Igartua.

The aim of the initiative is to build a "comprehensive" service, including Internet, mobile and landline services, to extend the project to the centre.

Rural areas, by radio connection, will be offered 30/30Mb broadband, thanks to herbs and supernodes installed in the cemetery. The price will be €25 per month. In the case of the fixed, three more euros and keep the number.

They pointed out in the presentation that they will offer the same coverage as other operators and that the three offers they have for mobiles would be as follows: 2 GB and 150 minutes of calls, 6.90 euros per month; 9 GB and unlimited calls, 9.90 euros per month; and 23 GB and unlimited calls, 14.90 euros per month.

Regarding the supply of the Internet by optical fiber, they have specified that it will use the advanced FTTH technology, which guarantees the downhill and upward speed, the "real" fiber that reaches home, for now, using the infrastructure of other operators. The offers they have for this purpose would be as follows: Symmetrical fiber at a speed of 100/100 Mb, including the landline and for 50 euros at discharge, 29,99 euros per month, or the second option would be a symmetric fiber at 600/600 Mb, including the landline and for 50 euros at discharge, 49,99 euros per month.

For more information

The website has been launched and there are other ways to expand the information and be able to sign the contract with Onaro if you are interested in it. At the Bidebarrieta 24 office they offer personalized attention, you can also call 943 71 80 10 or write to

Day 30, citizen presentation

At the Casa de Cultura, on the 30th, at 18:00, Onaro will be reintroduced and anyone will be able to go to it to get more information and clarify their doubts.

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