Ryan's words have conveyed great uncertainty, as the evolution of the virus cannot be predicted, according to the same sources. Five months ago, the first patients appeared in China, and several governments around the world have launched a series of investigations to determine when the pandemic will end.
However, he said that it is impossible to know, since, as can be seen in these studies, the contagion rate is "relatively low". In addition, this percentage also includes those who have been unaware of the virus; who, despite being asymptomatic or with very mild symptoms, indicate that the appearance of antibodies has been a virus.
He added that more than a hundred possible vaccines have been developed in laboratories around the world, but that does not necessarily mean the end of the virus. She also noted that many of the diseases she has been vaccinated with are still alive, such as measles.
Border crossing
Several Central European countries will open their borders soon, when social quarantine is overcome. According to Ryan, the expansion of borders will not entail major changes if the two countries are at the same stage as the pandemic. “Crossing the land border is not a great danger. If the risks and measures are similar, the influx of travellers and tourists will not change the situation much.”
As far as air transport is concerned, he explained that greater efforts will be required to involve States in their management. In fact, they will have to decide which countries they will be able to travel and which procedures they will have to put in place before and after reaching their destination.
Horren arabera, datorren astelehenetik aurrera, orain arte COVID-19ari aurre egiteko neurriak bertan behera geratuko dira Eusko Jaurlaritzaren eskumeneko alorretan. Labi bera ere desegin egingo dute.
That's the summer that we have, and with it the holidays that we usually link to this season, as if they were a reward to everything that has been given throughout the year. And again people want to go away. He wants to be on the famous coast, marvelous nature or the world's... [+]