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"Language is the best way to integrate here"

  • Omar Diop is a 24-year-old from Berriatua, who appears weekly on the Hondar Ahoak film show. He came from Senegal and began studying Basque at the Ikastola Zubi Zahar in Ondarroa. He also participated in AEK.

20 November 2020 - 14:52
Zelan sortu zitzaizun Hondar Ahoak telesailean aritzeko aukera? Euskaraz dakiten 20 urtetik gorako senegaldarrak behar zituzten, eta Txintxua Films ekoiztetxekoek Ondarroako udaletxean galdetu zuten. AEK-ko nire irakaslea izandako Txominek eman zien nire telefono zenbakia. Noiz grabatu zenuten? Abuztuan aritu ginen grabaketak egiten. Beste aktoreek esan zidaten oso ondo egiten nuela, eta aktore lanean segitzera animatu ninduten, eta pentsatu nuen beharbada aukera ona dela honegaz lotutako for

How did the opportunity emerge to work in the Hondar Ahoak series?

They needed Senegalese people over the age of 20 who knew Euskera, and the producer Txintxua Films asked at the town hall. My former AEK professor, Txomin, gave them my phone number.

When did you record it?

We were recording in August. The other actors told me that I was doing very well, and they encouraged me to continue working as an actor, and I thought maybe it's a good opportunity to get training related to this or sign up for an agency to create more opportunities.

Is this the first time you work as an actress?

Yes, and it has been a very nice experience. I've been very comfortable. I've met another world. I think that's what's worth in life -- getting as much experience as possible to know things. There are lives where things happen that you don't expect. I really liked the world of actors, at least what I have seen. And I'd like to go on. If more opportunities come out, I won't think twice. Now I am out of work, so I am willing to do any work.

You came from Senegal to Berriatua for 14 years. When and where have you learned Basque?

I studied Basque at the ikastola Zubi Zahar in Ondarroa. I started being 14 years old. There I studied for four years and got out the high school graduate. Then I made medium and higher grade machine maintenance cycles. I spent four years at AEK. Twice a week, I was going to improve Euskera, and I got the title of B2. I've always lived in Berriatua, but I've studied in Ondarroa.

Although at school and in Euskaltegi one learns unified Euskera, the native dialect is used on the street. Did it take you to get used to it at first?

I didn't understand. At school, we spoke unified Basque, we wrote and read. I put my ear on, and what I heard among my friends was not what I learned. First I was taught the unified Basque, and then I learned with my friends from Ondarroa. I have been part of the football teams in Ondarroa, Berriatua and Mutriku, and also in those teams talking in Basque every day with my friends has helped me a lot.

In addition, at Ondarroa you have also participated in Berbalagun. Has that helped you too?

Yes. Some AEK students met with Txominega. A few days we met in Berriatua. I spent two years studying in the Basque Country and participating in Berbalagun from 2016 to 2018. Berbalagun helps you hear and offers the possibility to ask words you don't know. The important thing to learn languages is that you understand it, so that you can then use it. Understand why it is and what it is for.

Was it easy to assimilate Euskera?

When I arrived, I only knew French, and here they don't speak French. I thought I had to learn Euskera to live here and to make friends, and I made a win, because here everyone speaks Euskera. I always say that with a little effort and with desire everything can go ahead. I've always thought about that, and that's helped me a lot. Speaking in Basque to live and integrate here helps a lot. Euskera is a very nice language. To those who come from Senegal I always say the same thing: when they come here what needs to be done is to learn the language. Those over the age of 20 come to seek the need and want to learn Spanish. But here I tell you to stand up and integrate to learn the language here. It's not easy to come from Senegal. Here and there are very different ways of life, reality, culture -- they're different. Everything is different and language is the best way to integrate here.

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