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Political Prey Olga Comes Achieves Parole

  • The political prisoner Olga Comes of Pamplona/Iruña has been released on parole after 13 years in prison. He had three quarters of the sentence passed since 2019, but it was in this month of June that he was granted the third grade.

09 November 2021 - 09:22
Last updated: 10:35

Olga Comes, 53, is a native of the San Juan district of the capital of Navarra. He was arrested in 2008 in Dijon with Asier Ezeiza and sentenced for ETA membership by the Paris Special Court (TSJ). After serving her sentence in France, she was extradited to Spain in 2012, to which a new conviction was imposed at the National Court of Madrid. He has had to live in several prisons and the consequences of repression: In 2016, a close person who was going to visit her in Mansilla de León suffered a serious accident. He was later transferred to Villabona, in Asturias, and finally to Pamplona.

Etxerat opens the news:

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