The demonstration on 4 November convened by the Council has a starting time and place: It will depart at 17:00 from the Basque Country of Bilbao. The closing event will be held in front of the City Hall. It also has the motto: Before the aggression: together with the Basque, in Basque. Representatives of the main Basque institutions appeared on Tuesday, European Day of Languages, and gave details of the demonstration.
The Council announced in May a demonstration with over 100 individual and social actors. In the previous months there were several sentences against Euskera: Municipality of Erandio, Fundación Uliazpi, Barakaldo, Municipal Police of Irun or Llodio. Thus, they stressed the need to denounce the "aggression against the Basque people".
School Council Secretary General Idurre Eskisabel said at the hearing that the aggression "increased a new bloodletting" on July 6. The Spanish Constitutional Court imposed that the Basque municipalities cannot function in the Basque Country, annulling an article of the Municipal Law of the Basque Country. "It repealed a strong tool to advance the normalization of Euskera. But in addition, this ruling was contrary to a broad social consensus".
Isabel calls on individuals and social and political actors to attend and participate in the demonstration: "It will take forces from all to curb the reactive wave."
Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.