Gradually, our societies are faced with homophobia, racism and machismo. However, the discrimination suffered by a large part of the population by age is not yet the subject of debate in the public square. That’s what wants to change the “Old lives matter” campaign.
The initiative is based on the French Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology and has as its context the COVID-19 pandemic that affects the whole world, as the spread of the coronavirus has made discrimination against the elderly more evident. Discrimination "is the most widespread, the most common and the most universal", according to the promoters of the initiative. In addition, he is the only person who is not sanctioned by law, according to the same source.
Over 40 organizations around the world have recalled that during the COVID-19 pandemic the highest price has been paid by people over 65. That is why, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of Article 25 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which stresses “the right of the elderly to a dignified and independent life and to participate in social and cultural life”, this initiative aims to put society in the mirror.
Scientific institutions have stated that addiction is "an evil discrimination that weakens our societies" and that poverty "is a shame". In his view, "excluding most adults from actively participating in society is an unacceptable tragedy and contrary to human dignity".
Are you forty-two years old? It does not seem”; “No, you do not, you seem younger”; “quiet, you do not give mother”; “you do not give more than twenty, you do not give forty”... and I do not carry this series of comments well. They get me out of something bad, out... [+]
Every now and then I get in front of the mirror to think about how it's possible that at twenty-six years, people are constantly confused with a minor. It changes my perspective when I see nineteen-year-olds, calmly, because most of the time I think they can be ten years older... [+]
“I’m not going to deny you that it gives me a little bit of a shame to have the broken chains, I know it’s vitalistic. I accept sadness with one point, but without major traumas” (Xabier Euzkitze).
Sometimes it happens that you see someone who's going around his head in... [+]
Trump kritikatzea errazagoa zait, askoz, Bideni buruz ezer onik esatea baino. Baina txantxa iturria haren adina izatea, baita zalantza serioagoen iturburu ere, azpimarratzekoa iruditu zait. Munduko gizon boteretsuena esaten zitzaionaren postura heldu den
"Pentsiodunak,... [+]
Zaharren artean ari da desmasia gehien egiten koronabirusa eta adinaren kargaz zaurgarriagoak izatea ez da arrazoi bakarra. Gure sisteman eta jendartean adinduek duten tokiari begira jarriz, laster agertzen dira bestelako arrazoiak. Orokorki, arras gutxi aipatzen direnak. Horiei... [+]