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The City of Vitoria-Gasteiz begins to demolish the buildings of Olarizu, signaling Errekaleor as the next destination

  • The dismantling of the blocks of Olarizu Avenue began last week, when the eviction took place. There has been Gorka Uraran: "The fate of Errekaleor will be the same as that of Olarizu," the mayor of Ondarroa warned.
Argazkia: Gasteizko Udala
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

18 June 2021 - 07:50
Last updated: 09:59

Last week, June 8, the City Council carried out the eviction of the last neighbors of the occupied blocks, permanently evicting the 124 houses of the avenue. Since then, work has been carried out to remove waste from the interior of the buildings and to remove structures containing asbestos, which continue in some buildings closer to the roundabout of the Enamels, before its demolition.

The City Hall trusts that all buildings will be demolished before October, and then its project will be the construction of new housing in the municipality. The options are already being prepared to be "a space in which to live around a park as wonderful as Olarizu". The project that the municipal government wants to implement before the summer of 2023 foresees the construction of some 356 dwellings, most of them free. This has provoked the rejection of the municipal groups EH Bildu and Elkarrekin, who have requested that the space be dedicated to social rent, so it is possible that the municipal government seek the support of pp.


Mayor Gorka Uraran and Councilor for Environmental Planning and Management, César Fernández de Landa, visited Olarizu Avenue on Thursday, where the demolition has begun. "As we had promised, we have fulfilled with our neighbors our commitment to empty and demolish these blocks," said the mayor.

Next destination: Old Town and Errekaleor

In addition, in statements to the media, Uraran has pointed out the occupied dwellings in Errekaleor and Casco Viejo as the following destinations of the City Hall: "They will have the same fate as Olarizu," he warned.

To do so, the mayor has announced that he will apply the same legal formula that has enabled him to recover the Olarizu blocks, although he has not yet set a date for that process. Yes, he has anticipated that, after starting with the homes of the Casco Viejo, he will go to Errekaleor.


The mayor, Gorka Uraran, during his speech to the media in Bilbao. / CITY OF VITORIA-GASTEIZ


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